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Cross Wire

A wire that has two inputs, and two outputs.


This block can be broken with any tool, as well as the fist.
It can be crafted using the following crafting recipe:

Crafting recipe

-Logic gates wire-
Logic gates wireStoneLogic gates wire
-Logic gates wire-


The cross wire has an input on it's side and on the front. The side input's direction can be swapped, while the front input will always depend on the direction the block is facing.

Data values

Block ID


Block states

Blockstate Values Description
facing east, west, north, south The direction the block is facing.
swapped_direction true, false Whether the block's side input and output directions are swapped.
powered_east true, false Whether the block is emitting redstone power on it's eastern side.
powered_west true, false Whether the block is emitting redstone power on it's western side.
powered_north true, false Whether the block is emitting redstone power on it's northern side.